

The top coffee syrups you need to try in 2024: An expert coffee syrup guide

Published 5 min read
The top coffee syrups you need to try in 2024: An expert coffee syrup guide


Welcome to my expert coffee syrups guide! Finding the best coffee syrups for you can be tricky. With so many different variations and new coffee trends, I could never decide what to buy. However, with much research and lots of coffee, I think I’ve cracked the code on how to satisfy my sweet tooth without breaking the bank. Now, I'm ready to share my discoveries with you! It’s time to soak up all the coffee syrup knowledge you’ve been searching for and embrace a world of tasty coffee additions. 

What are coffee syrups?

Coffee syrups are a simple, one step solution to sweetening your coffee. There’s a wide variation of flavors available, however my personal favorite is to keep it classy with a simple but sweet vanilla coffee syrup. While vanilla remains a staple, I am also starting to love other syrup variations, like creme brûlèe or even honeycomb. While some may opt to create their own syrups at home, pre-made coffee syrups do all the hard work for you. Making your own vanilla coffee syrup is definitely a challenge and who has time for that anymore? As someone who is constantly on-the-go, some would even call me a busy bee, adding a splash of vanilla coffee syrup into my coffee sets the perfect tone for the day. 

Who knew you could make your daily coffee shop brew at home in half the time and for half the price? Discovering the versatility of coffee syrups has left me questioning all those years spent waiting in line at the coffee shop.

What are the best coffee syrups for you?

After trying many brands, I've found the best coffee syrups to be from Florence By Mills Coffee. These coffee additions are the perfect way to sweeten my coffee with natural flavorings. The FBMC vanilla coffee syrup never fails to create the perfect balance of creamy and buttery with a hint of floral and faint almond notes, doesn’t that sound heavenly?

But if vanilla isn’t wild enough for you, they have a whole range of syrups! From classic caramel and hazelnut, found in the barista collection, to indulgent honeycomb and creme brûlèe, found in the Millie’s faves collection. While I tend to prefer the classics, the honeycomb flavored syrup has recently captured my wild side. The honeycomb coffee syrup offers the perfect combination of brown sugar and sweet honey notes that leave behind a sweet lingering flavour.

Since learning about coffee syrups I’ve even been asked what coffee syrup pairings I would recommend. Well, this is easy for me to answer, the best pairing has to be the FBMC English Toffee and the Vanilla coffee syrups, with the creaminess of vanilla and the deep, caramelized richness of toffee I find myself in a caffeinated dream.

Now for the real question: How do you use coffee syrups?

Since I’ve told you the best coffee syrups to buy, you need to know how to use them! Let's start with how much syrup you need, for a single serving size of the FBMC coffee syrups you would use around 15ml. Depending on the strength of your sweet tooth you could use as little or as much as you like, 15ml is just the guideline. 

So, when should you add your coffee syrup? This can depend on the type of coffee and recipe you use, typically I like to add my syrup as the last step, this way I can add a bit at a time to reach my preferred sweetness. If you’re still not sure on when to add your coffee syrup, here’s my favorite step-by-step coffee recipe.

How to make an easy caramel iced latte:

  1. Fill a glass with ice.
  2. Pour over 50ml of Florence quick serve coffee concentrate. 
  3. Add 200 ml of cold milk or dairy alternative to your desired taste.
  4. Add 15ml of FBMC caramel coffee syrup.
  5. Stir and enjoy! Feel free to add a little whipped cream for the aesthetic instagram look and extra creaminess.

If you’re still looking for different coffee recipes to try, check out this recipe page! It has all my favorite quick and easy recipes, including Hot Toffee Lattes, Honey & Cinnamon shaken espressos and even coffee iced lollies!

Yes you read that right, did you know coffee syrups can be used for baking? Coffee syrups aren’t just for coffee, you could make cakes, cookies, lollies and more! That’s a pretty versatile purchase if I do say so myself.

The Top Coffee Syrup Questions & Answers:

It’s important to remember that all coffee brands are very different, so take a look at the ingredients, descriptions and FAQs before you buy! However, I can confidently answer all the questions based on the information provided by FBMC.

Are the coffee syrups gluten free?

Absolutely! FBMC coffee syrups are gluten free.

Are coffee syrups dairy free?

Yes! FBMC coffee syrups are dairy free.

Do coffee syrups expire?

FBMC coffee syrups have a 12 month shelf life! 

Are the coffee syrups vegetarian?

Yes! FBMC coffee syrups are vegetarian.

Coffee syrups Vs Creamer: What’s the difference?

I’ve clearly saved the best for last, it’s the million dollar question, what is the difference between flavored coffee syrups and creamer? Creamer serves as a non-dairy substitute for milk or cream. ​​However, creamer has the tendency to dilute the coffee's flavor and change its consistency. You may find yourself adding more creamer to achieve the desired sweetness compared to coffee syrups. Whereas, FBMC coffee syrups add sweetness and additional natural flavorings, without comprising the coffee’s taste.

So, which one should you pick? Personally I just can’t beat coffee syrups, I love the taste and consistency of my daily coffee, but adding a splash of syrup adds a bit of sweetness to my day. 

Now you’re equipped with all the coffee syrup knowledge, it’s time for you to start your own syrups journey! Which one will you choose? If you’re still undecided, why not opt for one of the FBMC syrup collections, each featuring three delicious flavors for you to explore? Find your perfect syrup and elevate your coffee experience - your taste buds will thank you.

quick serve coffee concentrate

quick serve coffee concentrate


Your new favorite way to enjoy coffee. Dive into the coffee of your dreams with our Florence by Mills Coffee Concentrate and bring versatility to your coffee routine.

This cold brew concentrate is perfect for becoming your own barista whilst achieving heavenly results every time. Paired with your favorite dairy or milk alternative and one of our flawless syrups, this South American blend is full-bodied and leaves an aftertaste almost as sweet as you.

A single shot of coffee concentrate with your milk or alternative of choice will reward you a light and beautiful coffee or add a double shot if you need an extra boost (we do!)

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