Florence by Mills Coffee: Ground Coffee, Coffee Beans, NespressoⓇ Compatible Pods and Coffee Brew Bags
Enjoy Millie Bobby Brown’s signature blend, Authentically Brew, in her Ground Coffee, Coffee Beans, Coffee Brew Bags & NespressoⓇ Compatible Pods (Pods UK only). It’s no surprise that this blend made with ethically sourced, Rainforest Alliance Certified, 100% Arabica Coffee, with its rich chocolate and hazelnut notes, is the blend that features across her coffee range.
Millie’s Mindful Moments blend is available in whole bean and ground options. These coffee beans are 100% Arabica and ethically sourced from Brazil in South America and Guatemala in Central America. It brings sweet notes of treacle and sugar cane to your coffee ritual.
Ultimate Flavoured Iced Coffee Set

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